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Use a newsletter module to collect email addresses

On Skipperblogs you can activate the newsletter system to collect the email addresses of your visitors.

How does the system works

You can choose between different modules where to save email addresses. A module is where all e-mail addresses are saved. Either on Skipperblogs or on different online mailing services like Mailchimp, Sendinblue, ... You need to configure one of these module to start collecting e-mail addresses.

Once one of these modules is enabled, you add the newsletter widget to your site and wait for your visitor to submit their E-mail address. The address is then saved in the module and you can reuse it for your e-mailing.

Enable a newsletter module

Go to  DashboardModules Newsletter

You will find the list of newsletter modules (described below). You can only use one module at a time. If you decide to disable and enable another module, the email addresses present in the first will not be copied to the second. You will have to do this manually if necessary.

Skipperblogs module

Email addresses are saved on Skipperblogs in the Newsletter module. You can export them at any time in different file formats.

To use this module click configure and on the configuration page Enable the module. No further steps are required.

Mailchimp module

You can connect a MailChimp account so that email addresses are directly saved to an Audience in your Mailchimp account.
To connect your MailChimp account you will need a API key which you will create in your Mailchimp account. Copy/paste this key to the configuration and hit Test the configuration.

Once the connection is established and if your MailChimp account contains Audiences, you will be able to choose the target audience in which the email addresses will be saved. If no Audience is selected, email addresses will be saved in the default Audience. Then click Enable module  to update the configuration and activate the newsletter on your site.

Sendinblue module

You can connect a Sendinblue account so that the email addresses are directly registered in your Sendinblue account.

To connect your MailChimp account you will need a API  key, which you will create in your Sendingblue acount. Copy/paste this key to the configuration and hit Test the configuration.

Then click Enable module  to update the configuration and activate the newsletter on your site.