
Did you know ?

The first person to circumnavigate the world alone was Joshua Slocum (1898).

How can we help?

You vote, I develop

If you think a feature is missing on Skipperblogs, you can propose your idea and submit it to the vote of other users. Ideas gathering the most votes will be developed first.

Ideas submitted for a vote

Click on to vote for an idea. You can only vote once per item.

Idea Proposed by Votes
Mini blog posts on the map

Allow mini blog posts on the map interface itself

Brnkl tracking support

Support of Brnkl for tracking
Stockage en ligne

Si on pouvait directement aller chercher les photos dans notre compte google photo, ou autre stockage en ligne ce serait vraiment pratique. Actuellement il faut les télécharger sur l’ordinateur puis les uploader sur skipperblog.

enable tracks to be linked to categories

I have recorded multiple journeys over the years. I'd like to tag a different track to each category so that on the map you can filter by category and see e.g. 2023 routes

Ability to sort post differently

Ability to sort blog post another way than chronological order.

Deleted user 1
Filter the set of geo-located entries by tags

For the map, having the possibility to filter the set of geo-located entries by tags. We have done several journeys in the same area. I’ve separated the various journeys by tags so people can go to the entries grouped by trip but the map shows every geo-located entry. If it was possible to filter to only display entries with a specific tag then it would be clearer.

Anonymous 0

Development in progress

Idea Proposed by
Add substance to the support portal
Social networks

It would be nice to be able to connect and post simultaneously on scoial networks like Facebook, instagram etc ...

Features available

Idea Proposed by
Batch update of articles in the list

be able to apply category to multiple article at a time. Also change status, delete, etc...
Permit tracks to be edited better

Right now, all I can do is add points at one of the ends of a track but I cannot move track points or insert points where the tracker missed something.
Title on pictures in galleries

Be able to add a title of a picture loaded in a gallery.
Windy map

Would it be possible to use Windy as map background ?
Notification on comment answers

If a person writes a comment and this comment get an answer, the person should receive a notification E-mail
YB tracking support

Support of YB for tracking
Autosave for Blog Posts in Progress

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't need to keep hitting the "save" button! I've lost changes many times!

Adresse de destination des commentaires

Serait-il possible de rentrer manuellement l'email sur lequel on reçoit les commentaires ? En mettant une adresse iridium il serait possible de les recevoir hors réseau.

Custom Boat Icons

Map would really benefit from custom Boat icons.
Additional contact details

We have multiple email contact details (gmail account for boat, myiridium account etc.) and multiple phone numbers, (Cell, Iridium...) Can you add multiple entries in the contacts fields


Possiblity to import content from


Features that will not be developped

Every idea is great. But sometimes it is not possible to develop them all; for lack of time, resources, if the idea is too complex or simply if it does not benefit a majority of users.

Idea Proposed by
Ability to Compose blogs offline using a tool like on of these

Ability to compose blogs, including image layout using a tool like one of the ones listed in this article... I have used MarsEdit on a Mac and Windows liver writer on a pc.... however there are many comparable options.
Reason: While I recognize the convenience of these desktop applications, its development would require a lot of time and effort for only few users. Skipperblogs is not big enough for this kind of application to be really worth it.