
Did you know ?

You can sail for nearly 22,229 miles in a straight line.

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Application versions

History of the platform's development

25 Jul 2024

Version 17

V. 17

I'm thrilled to introduce Version 17 which bring a lot of new features and improvements

Community platform

You can now share your blog post with other Skipperblogs users. The community platform gather all content shared by Skipperblogs user in a live interactive map. Read the latest published sea stories and publish yours. That said, you and only you decide what content is published on the platform.

Map editor greatly improved

This third version of the map editor bring a lot of improvements. Among other you can now edit your track more easily and append waypoints in the middle of the track.

GPX import

The GPX file import function as been greatly improved and allow you to import your past tracks from any other system or device supporting this format.

Changing subdomains

You can now change the URL address of your blog for something else. Pro user can also choose among four domain name :

User and author bio pages

You can now add a bio description to each users (via user edition). Once filled, each blog post of the user will display a link to the bio page, presenting the author of the article.

New boats icon and custom upload

Four new boat icons can be used for your vessel position on the map. Pro users can also upload their own image to display, for example, a custom logo.

NewCommunity platform

NewTracks backup & restore

NewBio page for users and authors

New4 new boat icons

NewCustom boat icon upload

NewWaypoints import from Farkwar

NewMapShare is now available for Free accounts

NewHide track on the map

NewDutch translation for websites

NewWebsite subdomain address can now be changed

ImprovedMap editor greatly improved

ImprovedDashboard quick position report

ImprovedCleaner design of dashboard homepage

ImprovedMapShare allow now to hide Skipperblogs' logo

ImprovedCredit card can now be added and deleted

ImprovedImport of GPX files greatly improved

ImprovedMultiples pictures in content can now be browsed as single gallery

ImprovedNew user can now be invited by email

FixedLogo image was displayed too big on certain themes

FixedScrolling issue for certain browser on Levantine theme

FixedBroken link in new comment email notification

FixedMissing pagination on blog list of theme Coral

FixedBug impacting moored vessel position update

FixedBug impacting the auto-save function in content editor when multiple same windows are open

FixedBug impacting the correct parsing of lat/lon data in email publish

10 Mar 2024

Version 16

V. 16

NewAirmail tracking available

NewFrontend websites interface translated in 6 new languages

NewSupport articles now available directly in the dashboard related sections

NewThird -party user can be set as author of articles

NewA warning message will be displayed on the website's map if a tracking is momentarily offline

ImprovedMap edition tools

FixedImage in content not updating after replacement

FixedBug impacting parsing of certain InReach feeds

FixedHeader images missing on theme Sulu

FixedBoat presentation dimensions unis

FixedBug on cruises list map

FixedFixed bug on adding video sharing code with Chrome browser

FixedBug impacting the favicon generator

FixedDistorted videos after upload and re-encoding

FixedBug impacting article view on theme Celebes

06 Jan 2024

Version 15

V. 15
Happy new year and have fun at sea in 2024 !

New3 New map backgrounds

New1 Easter egg in the dashboard

ImprovedBlog pagination

ImprovedWidgets "Visited countries", "Social" and "Image" can now have custom text

ImprovedThe image in Widget Image now open enlarged in a lightbox

ImprovedImproved browsing and search function in support pages

ImprovedThe mobile version of the dashboard has been largely improved

ImprovedMap share function now displays visited countries

FixedFixed several small bugs on different themes

FixedFixed a bug impacting the edition of waypoint in the map editor

FixedFixed an error when exporting medias files as ZIP file

FixedFixed an error impacting the Quick Article function on the dashboard

FixedFixed an issue of the E-mail parser (Publish by E-mail function) which was, for certain E-mail, unable to properly read the e-mail content

FixedSome missing translations

FixedFixed a bug preventing the correct upload of .webp images

FixedFixed a bug in the cruises lists

FixedFixed a bug impacting the upload of .mov video files

31 Oct 2023

Version 14

V. 14

NewAdd your own custom CSS

NewEmbed your PredictWind map

NewChanging of website address

NewWidget with map stats

NewSet your custom Favicon

NewImport from Blogger

NewBoat presentation page generator

NewSkipperblogs newsletter mail forwarding to subscribers

ImprovedSupport pages search

ImprovedAccount deletion

ImprovedNewsletters management

ImprovedGaleries images loading

FixedFixed bug that in some circumstances displayed non published page

FixedFixed bug that prevented full screen page display on theme Sulu

FixedMany small bug fixes

FixedSome missing translations

04 Oct 2023

Version 13

V. 13
Another huge update including may improvement, Refer-a-friend program and Poster print of track. Thank you all !

and 1 more

NewAutosave blog post while editing

NewBulk update of blog post

NewRefer-a-friend program

NewImport blog from

NewMax speed in map stats

NewPoster print of map track

ImprovedHosted video can now be added to blog post

ImprovedComments answer will not trigger a notification to the owner

ImprovedAdded track import from Sailblogs blog

ImprovedAttached files can now be sent via the support form

ImprovedEach map tracks are now backed up every 6h for 30 days

ImprovedAdding the support of Pivotel number for Iridium tracking

ImprovedSupport portal contains now more help articles

FixedFixed bug when geotagging blog posts on the map

FixedFixed bug impacting comments list filtering

FixedFixed bug impacting gallery image cover not appearing on the map

FixedFixed bug on Web analytics

FixedFixed bug impacting timestamps when merging map tracks

FixedFixed bug impacting Quick Position report on the dashboard

01 Aug 2023

Version 12

V. 12
A lot of novelties and improvements for this big update, thanks to all contributors

NewAdvanced webstats

NewWebstats preview on the dashboard homepage

NewQuick position report from dashboard homepage

ImprovedThe tracking will now update the last update time even if the position remain the same

ImprovedGPX tarck file import

ImprovedMap tools

ImprovedTrack edition

ImprovedAIS tracking reliability

FixedFixed wrong update time of tracking

FixedFixed bug impacting HTML code of articles and pages

FixedFixed issue with uploaded images appearing rotated

FixedFixed issue with uploaded images in the file manager

FixedSome website where not redirected to HTTPS secure version

FixedFixed a bug impacting translation in gallery marker data

FixedFixed bug displaying duplicated tags in widget

FixedFixed a bug for track crossing the international date line

05 Jun 2023

Version 11

V. 11

and 3 more

NewSPOT tracking

NewCruises management

NewVideo upload and management

NewVisited countries edition

NewCover image of articles and pages can be cropped

NewPictures in gallery can now have caption

NewGallery can be geo-tagged and displayed on the map

New2 new map data displayed

ImprovedAdded invisible captcha for comments and contact forms

ImprovedImproved map popups

ImprovedWidgets order can now be modified

ImprovedImproved the import from Sailblogs

FixedFixed icon bug on Maponly theme

FixedFixed incompatibility with new the IridiumGo application

FixedFixed bug on manual tracking timestamps

FixedFixed bug on Safari preventing Iridium tracking edition

FixedFixed some missing translations

FixedFixed a bug impacting the weather icon in the waypoints

FixedArticle set to private or saved as draft after being published the first time, were not removed from the map

FixedFixed a bug of map centering on the whole track

27 Mar 2023

Version 10

V. 10

NewWindy weather base map

NewDisplay of nay/night zones on map

NewMap ruler

NewMap statistics about mile per day and average speed

NewIn Skipperblogs newsletter new article alert

NewPossibility to add documents in articles and pages

NewArticles can now be tagged

ImprovedCaption on image in articles

ImprovedCertains maps have now more zoom levels

ImprovedImproved parsing of E-mail for E-mail tracking

ImprovedFile upload limit raised to 100MB per file and 1000 files at a time

FixedProblem on high zoom level for certain base maps

FixedBugs affecting the manual tracking

FixedSome portrait images appeared rotated

03 Mar 2023

Version 9

V. 9

NewLog of visited countries

NewWidget displaying visited countries

NewGeotagged article will now automatically mention the country

NewWeather in waypoints

NewNew menu item

NewMore file type allowed for upload

NewDocument can now be added in articles

ImprovedThe map loading speed has been improved

ImprovedMax upload size for files increased to 100Mo

ImprovedImproved map article popups style

FixedGallery preview link issue

FixedNo link in comment notification e-mail

FixedIssue on import of GPX tracks

FixedIssue with tracking activation on Microsoft Edge

FixedVarious styling issues on several themes

01 Dec 2022

Version 8

V. 8

NewIncrease in disk space quotas

ImprovedMap initialisation now support multi-trace gpx file import

ImprovedMap load speed

FixedTwo bug on theme 1800

FixedSome e-mail were sent in the wrong languages

FixedBug in map display when it does not contains waypoints

FixedBug in import of GPX file on the map

23 Oct 2022

Version 7

V. 7

NewGarmin InReach tracking

NewPossibility to sort blog categories

ImprovedDashboard design for tablet/iPad

ImprovedArticle geotagging

FixedBug impacting actual count of articles in categories widget

FixedBug impacting refresh of the cached images

FixedBug on Aden theme with images display in the articles list

FixedMissing some french translations

FixedFixed wrong days calculation on map statistics

12 Oct 2022

Version 6

V. 6
This is a major update with the addition of a new subscription plan !

NewTracking subscription plan

NewAndaman Free theme

New16 new map base layers

ImprovedMap track edit

ImprovedComment moderation list

FixedFixed bug on Aden theme with social widget

FixedBullet list not displaying properly in article content editor

FixedMissing zoom control on map for theme "1800"

FixedFixed bug impacting the save of "Allow indexing" parameters in settings

27 Sep 2022

Version 5

V. 5

NewTracking via Telegram

NewPossibility to merge map tracks

NewEmail notification for new article comments

NewNew themes Coral and Aden

ImprovedMap initialization process

ImprovedMap tracks edition

ImprovedDomain name status in the list

FixedBugs in map track edition

FixedBug when ordering a domain name with unauthorized characters

FixedBug preventing gallery listing in menu edition

FixedBug preventing contact form submission in certain conditions

FixedBug preventing comment form submission in certain conditions

FixedBug impacting the correct number of articles to be showed

FixedSome missing french translations

11 Sep 2022

Version 4

V. 4

NewImport content from Wix and Wordpress

NewExport all your website content

ImprovediPad display of themes Adriatica and Leventine

ImprovedManual tracking function of map edition

ImprovedOur blog section on

ImprovedIridiumGo message parsing

FixedSome missings translations

FixedBug impacting menu edition

FixedThumbnail missing in some geolocalised articles

27 Aug 2022

Version 3

V. 3

NewBlog page for skipperblogs

Newability to set magnification on image in articles and pages

Newbetter support for image sizing on mobile devices and big screens

Newcommon page for newsletter unsubscription

ImprovedImproved comments management interface

ImprovedImproved image resizing quality

Improvedimage sizing in content editor

FixedFixed bug that impacted the removal of waypoint on manual tracking

FixedFixed a bug impacting core files backup

FixedFixed a bug that slowed down articles saving

FixedFixed bug impacting Mail tracking configuration

FixedFixed bug impacting API tracking configuration

FixedFixed bug impacting subscription renewal

FixedFixed bug impacting menu of theme Biscay

09 Aug 2022

Beta 1.0

beta 1.0
New design of the dashboard, commercial version

NewDomain name purchase

NewPlan subscriptions

NewSendinblue support in newsletter

NewAPI tracking

NewSocial network link management

New6 new themes



ImprovedContent medias

ImprovedNewsletter systems

ImprovedAIS tracking

ImprovedMenu management

06 Apr 2022

Alpha 0.9

alpha 0.9
Alpha testing version

NewThemes management

NewThemes customization


NewUser management




NewMedias management



NewDomain name management

NewMap edition

04 Jul 2021

Pre-Alpha 0.7

pre-alpha 0.7

NewFonctionnal dashboard

NewArticles creation/edition

NewPages creation/edition

NewBasic tracking via Iridium


NewMap editing

10 May 2020

Private 0.1

private 0.1
Major Core application development. Data management, articles, pages.