
Did you know ?

Cruising is about repairing your boat in exotic locations.

How can we help?

Use the map editor

The map editor allows you to edit the tracking trace as well as any other traces of the map. You can add, edit, move and delete waypoints and change the appearance of tracks.

Go to the page DashboardNavigation map to open the map editor.

On the left block you will find all your trace listed. The trace used by the automatic tracking is general the first one and identified with this icon  

Continue a trace (manual tracking)

This function allows you to add one or more new waypoints to a trace. This is what we call manual tracking for the tracking trace.

Click on to enable map editing mode. Once the map is in edit mode, a dashed line appears and allows you to place the next waypoint.

Click on the desired location on the map to add the point.

In the left block the waypoint add form will appear. It allows you to provide additional information to the waypoint; the timestamp being the most important data.

If you wish, you can add your course, your speed and a comment. These three data are optional, but if they are filled in, they will be added and visible on the waypoint on the map.

Click on "Add waypoint" to have your new waypoint saved and added to the map.

Edit waypoints

You can edit the waypoints of a track by clicking on in the track list.

The trace then goes into edit mode and at each waypoint appears a blue disc. Hover any waypoint with the cursor to display edit options:

Click on the left icon representing a trash can to delete this waypoint. Click on the edit icon on the right to change the waypoint information. Finally you can drag and drop the waypoint to change its position: hold a left click on the waypoint and move it; once at the desired position, release click.

Finally, do not forget to click on the "Save" button to save the changes and publish them on your site. You can edit multiple waypoints at once before saving everything.

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