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Notify subscribers about new blog posts

You can configure the Skipperblogs newsletter module to send a notification about new blog posts published on your website. When you publish a new article, a notification e-mail is sent to your subscribers.

Enabling the Skipperblogs newsletter module

Before configuring the new posts notification, you must enable the Skipperblogs newsletter module. If you have already completed this step, proceed to the next chapter.

Go to DashboardModules Newsletter

You will find the list of newsletter modules (described below). You can only use one module at a time. If you decide to disable and enable another module, the email addresses present in the first will not be copied to the second. You will have to do this manually if necessary.

Configure notifications

Go on the page DashboardModules Newsletter Skipperblogs

On the right side, you will find the notifications configuration block.

Check  Enable notification  and select the desired interval between notifications. Don’t forget to click Save.

The system will then periodically send a notification to your newsletter subscribers informing them that X new articles have been published since the last notifications.