
Did you know ?

The youngest person to circumnavigate the world was 16-year old Laura Dekker.

How can we help?

Changing the theme of your website

You can change the theme of your site to give your existing content a fresh look.

Go on DashboardApparence Themes
to find all the available theme.

Preview a Theme Before Switching

You can preview a theme on your site by clicking Preview. This will allow you to choose a theme that suits best for your website.

Changing theme

Click on Activate to enable the theme on your website.

Changing themes is a safe, non-destructive action. Your existing pages, media, and other data remain on the site.


Most themes are built in a classic layout with a sidebar next to the content. A design that is particularly suitable for blogs.

On the other hand, some other themes offer a different layout. like Levantine or MapOnly.