The first person to circumnavigate the world alone was Joshua Slocum (1898).
On Skipperblogs you can personalize the look of the live map. You can change the map background, the icon of your boat and many other settings.
Go on the page DashboardNavigation Map
In the floating panel on the left, click on the Map tab.
You have the choice between 24 different map backgrounds. Select a background to preview it. Some base maps require additional steps in order to work; such as the Windy weather map which require a registration by, to obtain an identification API key.
This is the zoom level of the map when it is loaded on your site for your visitors. The display between the map editor and the map on your site is a bit different, so we recommend to save your settings and see the results on your website to find the zoom level that will suit you.
The default zoom level is disabled when using Display the entire track from Map centering.
The map centering of the board defines whether, when loaded on your website, it should center on your boat or display the entire track (your voyage). In the first case, you can set a default zoom level to display, for example, a detail about your last location.
On the other hand, with the display of the entire track, you can display your entire trip at a lower zoom level.
You can choose from different icons to represent your boat on the map. If you would like to use a custom icon, please contact support.
The statistics gather a set of data of your tracking track. As you travel, these data are recalculated. You can decide whether or not to display the statistics block on the map as well as its location at one of the four corners.
You can also decide which data you want to display.