
Everything Skipperblogs can do

Your position is automatically updated

Use a variety of trackings to update your location.
During blue water passages, your visitors can follow your navigation hour by hour. You decide when you want to be tracked.

Tracking AIS logo AIS
Tracking Iridium Go logo Iridium Go
Tracking PredictWind logo PredictWind
Tracking Garmin InReach logo Garmin InReach
Tracking Spot logo Spot
Tracking SkyMate logo SkyMate
Tracking E-mail logo E-mail
Tracking API logo API
Tracking Telegram logo Telegram
Tracking Whastapp logo Whastapp
Tracking SSB Radio logo SSB Radio
Tracking YB tracking logo YB tracking

Soon available

Tracking Android/iOS application logo Android/iOS application
Tracking Sailserver logo Sailserver

Your device?

At sea there is always a change of plan

Keep your relatives informed when things do not go as planned.

The further you go, the greater the journey

As you sail, Skipperblogs keep track of your voyage and records distance sailed, time spent sailing, top speed and average mileage.

Countries are also automatically added to your blog posts and visited countries list.
flag us flag ca flag nc flag es flag dk flag th flag nz flag cv

Import your content
from other platforms

If you are moving to Skipperblogs from:

  • Wordpress
  • Following Sea
  • Sailblogs
  • Wix
you can use the import tool to copy your articles, posts, categories, comments and GPS tracks.

Import your content from other platforms

Map editor

Use this dedicated tool to modify your track, personalise your map and add more information.

Try it

Content geotagging

Enrich your map by geotagging your blog posts, picture galeries, videos and cruises.

See an example

Your audience will not miss anything of your adventures

Your visitors can register to your newsletter directly on your website. You can then send your newsletter from Skipperblogs, Mailchimp or Sendinblue.
Furthermore, your subscribers can be notified for new published articles.

Skipperblogs   mailchimp   Sendinblue

Showcase your videos

Host videos on your website, organize them into playlists and restrict access to paid subscribers.

Cruise management & booking

Our cruises management tool allows you to create and present your available cruises in a smart way.
Your visitors can then book cruises directly on your website.

Choose among 29 different map styles
Like OpenStreetMap bright

Publish from remote location

Publish your articles
from the most remote places

The Slow connection mode allows you to manage your website through a very light dashboard interface.

  • Simplified dashboard interface (~ 10-15kb per page)
  • Publish your articles via E-mail
  • Update your position per E-mail via satellite, HF radio, etc.

Import your content

from Wordpress, Blogger, Wix, Sailblogs. Also import your sailing track from OpenCPN, PredictWind, chartplotters...

Export your content

as Wordpress exchange file, your map tracks as GPX file, all your medias as Zip file and your personal data.

On Skipperblogs, you own your data

With our import tools you can migrate your existing content from many differents online services. If you you are not happy with us, you can just take your data and pursue your blog anywhere else.

Your adventures will make great impression

You can print your adventures as:

  • Fine art framed poster of your map
  • Photo book of your blog posts (soon available)

Full size print example

All our features



Domain name
No ads
SSL Certificate
Disk space 500MB 10GB 30GB
Design customization
Basics themes
Post geotagging
Embedded videos
Password protected content
Content exportation
Manual tracking
Slow connexion mode
Content import from other platforms
Poster print of your map
GPX files import
Support via e-mail
Map Sharing
E-mail tracking
Iridium/IridiumGo tracking
Terrestrial AIS tracking
Tracking via Mobile app Soon Soon
Garmin InReach tracking
Spot tracking
Tracking via Telegram
SkyMate tracking
Tracking API
Airmail tracking
YB Tracking
PredictWind map integration
Boat presentation page
Publish via E-mail
Premium themes
Advanced statistics
Google Analytics support
Newsletter (Mailchimp, Sendinblue)
API Access (blogging) Soon Soon
Visited countries list
Weather in waypoints weather map
Cruise management and booking
Video hosting 50GB
Online shop Soon
Custom CSS styling
Custom boat icon
Additional domain names for your blog address
All upcoming features

Jump aboard !

Create your free website today.
And if you like the service and want to support the development of Skipperblogs you can upgrade your account.

Start your free website

Helping each other

Skipperblogs offers free Premium accounts to incorporated associations and foundations whose purposes are related to sailing and the ocean.

Please contact me to tell me about your project.
