
Did you know ?

Sailing has been part of the Olympics since 1896.

How can we help?

Cancel a domain name

If you no longer wish to own your domain, this guide will show you how to remove it.
Cancelling your domain name will not cancel your Skipperblogs plan subscription. If you wish to cancel your Skipperblogs subscription, follow this guide.

Cancel a domain name

Go to DashboardAccount Billing

You will find your purchased domain name subscription among other subscriptions in the  Subscriptions table :

Click on Cancel subscription button on the right.

What happend when I cancel a domain ?

Your domain name will stay connected to your website to the end of the subscription (or to the end of the Skipperblogs plan subscription if you also canceled it). Then it will be disconnected from your website and canceled by the registrar. After a certain period, it becomes publicly available for purchase.

Can I have a refund ?

No, domain name purchase cannot be refunded.